Donald Trump and technology key issues at Swedish engineering show


Sweden’s Elmia Subcontractor was home to discussions on technology and the US elections.

“This is the big trade meeting place for the engineering industry in Sweden. Deals are made via personal contact, in a handshake of trust between two people,” said Martin Lidén, VP & head of car purchasing, Volvo Car Group.

This year’s fair included new events and activities with a spotlight on the industry’s agenda and to build new platforms for development and doing business.

“Technology is developing exponentially right now, which means that networking, meeting others, and learning from each other are extremely important in strengthening Sweden’s manufacturing industry,” said Anders Lilja, senior director manufacturing, Husqvarna Group.

The announcement of Donald Trump as president-elect was a topic of conversation both on the trade show floor and on stage.

“Many of the suppliers are highly dependent on the American market. But don’t rock the boat. Wait and see what policies he will have,” was the advice given to companies by Fredrik Sidahl, CEO of the Scandinavian Automotive Supplier Association (FKG).