Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1: Economic, industry and country performance
Global macroeconomic overview: key economic indicators such as GDP, employment, global trade, industrial performance, budget indicators.
Policy response to Covid-19: monetary policy, employment retention schemes, recovery packages
Sectoral impact of Covid-19: High vs. low contact sectors, impact on sectors related or comparable to the exhibition industry.
Economic future outlook: Vaccination roll-out and lockdown lifting, economic climate
Exhibition industry performance: Multi-year industry development, global and regional market assessment, short- & long-term industry outlook and trends, forecasts & future scenarios
Regional analysis (macroeconomic & exhibition industry): Europe (Germany, France, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia), Asia (China, India, ASEAN), Americas (USA)
Chapter 2: Revenue growth and profitability of the Top-40
Revenue growth and profitability of the Top-40
Operational and financial insights: Geographical origin of revenue, cost-control measures with respect to Covid-19, major activities of companies
jwc industry ranking: by revenue, operating profit and combines
Market shares of the top companies
Chapter 3: The Chinese Exhibition market
In a new second main section of GIPR, never-before published insights about the Chinese market will be revealed, based on latest market research. Such insights will provide new perspectives on Chinese venues and market size, as well as latest insights into the structure and developments of the Chinese market.
Exhibition market size expressed in major KPIs
Venues and venue capacities; venues under development
Major organisers and shows
Ownership structures
Regional analysis for the top 3 economic clusters (Beijing-Hubei, Yangtze Delta, Pearl River Delta) plus Tier 1 cities (economy, exhibition markets, top shows, venues, industry verticals)
Chapter 4: Rush into virtual and omnichannel business model
This section gives a broad overview of digital transformation in our industry and Covid-19’s impact, including recent developments in digital offerings and trends that reinforce the need for a strong digital strategy. We present our approach to a seamless integration of digital and physical offerings, omnichannel business models, and give specific advice to organisers what steps need to be taken to develop such business models for different shows.
Megatrends stimulating digital business models.
Digital offerings in the exhibition industry
- Rush into virtual - Covid 19’s impact on the industry
- Lessons from the retail industry: The emergence of omnichannel business models
- Omnichannel business models for the exhibition industry
- Conclusion and recommendations for show organisers