EMECA and UFI presidents pledge to intensify collaboration

European Major Exhibition Centres Association (EMECA) president Roland Bleinroth welcomed UFI president Michael Duck at Messe Stuttgart premises for an informal meeting where both men stressed their intention to intensify their co-operation to cope with the challenges the business events industry currently encounters.

The talks focussed mainly on the latest political and economic developments. Even with the resumption of trade fair operations, the exhibition and events industry is facing numerous challenges, especially in light of the global situation, they agreed. “The ongoing uncertainty about the energy supply and its costs as well as overall inflation and the still not fully resolved disruption of supply chains has an impact on the planning and execution of trade fairs and events worldwide,” Bleinroth noted.

The pair said that close co-operation would be all the more significant to proactively meet the challenges. This, they agreed, could be done through increased sharing of information, best practices and resources, with both associations aiming to develop solutions to strengthen the exhibition and events industry and increase its resilience.

In Europe, EMECA and UFI have been sharing their advocacy efforts with the EEIA (European Exhibition Industry Alliance) since 2012. For sustainability, both UFI and EMECA joined forces with JMIC (Joint Meetings Industry Council) and its Net Zero Carbon Events initiative.

Another key field where co-operation will make a difference is data and statistics. Data showcasing the exhibition and business events sector’s size, impact on innovation and competitiveness as well as economic effects of the business events and exhibition sector need to be included in national and other official statistics, the two presidents said.

Michael Duck added: “Given the changing global landscape, it is vital that the exhibition and events industry works together to address the new challenges and strengthen the exhibition and events industry as a key driver for business and innovation.”

Photo: Roland Bleinroth, EMECA president and CEO Messe Stuttgart (right) with Michael Duck, UFI president and executive vice-president commercial development Informa Markets