New AIM White Paper provides key exhibitions advice


Media and advertising consultancy The AIM Group has released a new White Paper, on how to innovate at exhibitions and satisfy sponsors and exhibitors.

The paper is called “promoting and selling an exhibition: innovate ideas to do it with success”, and is signed by Kristofer Herlitz (pictured), senior expert in the meetings industry and country manager of AIM Group’s New York office.

Herlitz commented: “Along the years and experiences I have witnessed an inconsistent success of the exhibitions areas, because organisers and companies often tend to plan them or their booths following their own perspective, in a self-referential way.

“But these days, it is a part of the basics to have a good exhibit program, including a well-designed floor plan, a clear prospectus sent out in advance and dedicated program breaks. There are many innovative ways to increase the satisfaction of all the stakeholders.”

Herlitz poses some key questions to be considered in order to increase the value offered to exhibitors and sponsors, such as: what unique Sponsorships do you offer? What metrics do you use to monitor results? How invested is the congress’ or exhibition’s leadership?

He suggests to make change consistent throughout all the exhibition project, and to maintain key relationships while also thinking about the new generation. He also suggests lending support to exhibitors and inviting them to pay accurate attention to the way they engage visitors.

The White Paper can be downloaded for free from the AIM Group International website.