Key points addressed by the IEG's board of directors


The Italian Exhibition Group's (IEG) board of directors, in a meeting on 7 May, concentrated on a decision that will represent a key choice for the company’s future.

The issue of the possible operation of listing the company’s shares on the stock exchange was covered in-depth. The first important step consists in the completion of the selection of the team of consultants for the IPO (Initial Public Offering) foreseen by Italian Stock Exchange Regulations.

The crucial figure in the context of this team is that of the “sponsor” who, as happens in the majority of cases, will probably also play the role of global coordinator of the offering, as well as having the task and undertaking of placing the shares of the company that will be listed on the market.

During the first meeting on April 27, the board of director of IEG had already entrusted managing director Ugo Ravanelli, among the various powers, with the task – never previously assigned – of managing and/or coordinating all the activities and relations with consultants, advisors and financial operators in the context of the plan for opening the company to the financial and stock markets with the aim of assessing the company’s possible listing on the markets regulated by the Italian Stock Exchange.

The traditional procedure for achieving the assignment of the appointments will be started by the managing director, having, as a starting point, the results of a pre-selection carried out by the previous board of directors, which had entrusted this task; which was carried out successfully to the team made up of vice president Matteo Marzotto, board members Daniela Della Rosa and Lucio Gobbi and CFO Carlo Costa.

The decision to nominate one or more global coordinators will be made in the stages that immediately follow.