Europa Showfreight says customers thinking globally, ignoring Brexit


Europa Showfreight has recorded a double-digit increase in turnover, profits and consignments – with much of the success coming post Brexit.

Europa’s Showfreight division, which supplies logistics solutions for worldwide exhibitions and events also reported its most successful year for a decade.

Jeff Broom, head of Showfreight at Europa, said: “Our customers have ignored the ‘tittle tattle’ of what is or is not going to happen when we leave the EU, and are clearly focused on the wider world. Our clients are now looking further afield and not just thinking of Europe, which is now effectively a domestic market.

“As an example, we have recently been appointed as the Official Freight Forwarder for exhibitions taking place in new and emerging markets including South America, South East Asia and Russia. Europa Showfreight has also been appointed as the official freight forwarder for Aquatherm in Moscow.

Broom added: “There’s lots more to come in 2017, including marine events in South America and energy events in Central America. This only goes to show that rather than wait to see what happens when we pull the trigger and set off Article 50, some UK companies are already picking up the baton and getting a head start of the competition.”