Easyfairs has acquired World Water Works


World Water Works, the show for coastal, waterway and port developments, from ESC international has been acquired by Easyfairs.

The most recent edition of the show welcomed more than 300 delegates and 50 exhibitors from sectors including ports and waterways maintenance and construction, dredging, wet and dry infrastructures, hinterland protection and water-related civil engineering for bridges, locks and tunnels.

Cornelien Baijens, managing director of Easyfairs Netherlands, added: “After the promising results of the latest 2015 edition in Antwerp, we are confident that by combining the industry knowledge of ESC international with Easyfairs’ ability to develop leading sector events we will rapidly grow World Water Works to become a truly international meeting place.”

The next edition of World Water Works takes place on 29-30 May 2017 at RAI Amsterdam.