Profits up 22 per cent at Tarsus

WORLD - Events organiser and publisher Tarsus saw adjusted profit before tax climb by 22 per cent to £1.1m for the six months to 30 June.

Half year revenue rose by 17 per cent for the same period, to £16.9m

The figures are compared with 2008, not 2009, performance, due to the fact that Tarsus stages its larger biennial shows, such as LabelExpo and Dubai Airshow, on odd-numbered years. The company therefore feels direct comparison year-on-year would provide misleading results.

"The focus on organic growth continues into the second half, as the sectors we serve gradually return to growth," said Tarsus chairman Neville Buch. "Encouragingly, overall visitor numbers at our events has continued to improve.

"We are also on track with our 'Project 50/13' which seeks to significantly increase the Group's scale in high-growth emerging markets."

Tarsus says that in the US, its discount clothing expo is continuing to take market share. As a result its Off-Price exhibitor proposition is being developed to include accessories, jewellery and footwear. The company’s medical division has also launched 15 new products in the last two years, with further new events scheduled for 2010 and 2011.

The company says that 76 per cent of revenues expected for 2010 are now contracted.