Organisers optimistic about McCormick reforms

USA – A delegation of trade show organisers met with Illinois Governor Pat Quinn May 20 to urge him to sign the long-sought overhaul of work rules at Chicago’s McCormick Place without delay.

Organisers came away from the meeting expressing cautious optimism that Quinn would indeed sign the measure despite his public statements that he wanted to give the legislation a thorough vetting to ensure it upholds public interest. Chicago media reported Quinn is likely under pressure from his union political supporters to roll back some of the changes; however, he will probably not veto the bill due to the risk of losing additional trade shows to other cities.

The International Association of Exhibitions & Events urged show organizers to contact Quinn’s office to encourage him to sign the bill without any changes as soon as it reaches his desk.

The measure passed by the Illinois General Assembly has 30 days to work its way through the bureaucracy to Quinn’s desk. Once signed, the package will be turned over to James Reilly, the designated special trustee of the Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, for implementation at a date of his choosing.

According to EW's US partner Trade Show Executive