PCMA aligns with Champion Exposition Services

FRANCE - The Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) has signed a ‘premier partner’ deal with Champion Exposition Services (CES) to enable its members to harness “the resources of exhibition management”.

PCMA and its Exhibitor Task Force will collaborate with CES on exhibitor workshops to be held at both PCMA's 2011 Annual Meeting and 2011 Education Conference. They will also collaborate on an Exhibition Think Tank in 2011 and a series of webinars on topics related to exhibitions. 

"It will help PCMA members develop their expertise in the area of exhibition planning and management," says PCMA president and CEO, Deborah Sexton. "As we partner with them on education, research and networking opportunities tied to exhibitions, we see this not only as a way to add value for our current members, but to attract new members interested in exhibition management."