Seychelles signs MOU with foreign embassies

SEYCHELLES – The Seychelles Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Seychelles Tourist Board (STB) have signed a memorandum of understanding in order to place STB staff, tourism ambassadors, in selected foreign embassies.

The move aims at a greater penetration of source and emerging markets such as China at the Shanghai office, where staff will be able to concentrate on generating leads and interests for both business and leisure tourism. The STB has recently opened an office in London hoping to produce more passenger demand to the island destination.

In related news, national airline Air Seychelles has decided to cancel its Frankfurt route from its schedule due to a 'streamlining in operations'.

The main reason given for the removal of the German gateway was that the airline has found it hard to compete fare-wise, and in capacity, with Gulf-based airlines flying from Frankfurt via Qatar or Dubai to the Seychelles.

Air Seychelles has experiences its first loss in two decades last year, however, is expected to break even in the 2009/2010 financial year.