Ungerboeck extends its platform to dovetail with virtual event providers

With over 90% of events scheduled for 2020 being cancelled or postponed, event professionals are increasingly turning to virtual tools to fill the gap and Ungerboeck has released a new offer of managing virtual events via its registration platform.

The event technology and registration specialists are offering a choice of their virtual event providers, such as GoToWebinar, LogMeIn or Zoom and to dovetail that with managing online participants, events details and engagement statistics directly in the Ungerboeck platform.

“Our customers are facing very challenging times and it is our responsibility to adapt our software to their evolving needs. This virtual event extension to our platform offers our customers a way to stay in touch with their visitors and members and generate a new revenue stream while easily managing all the aspect of their virtual event in Ungerboeck from their registrants, to payment processing, orders, sessions and much more,” said Manish Chandak, Ungerboeck President & CEO.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, Ungerboeck has been offering access to its On-Demand Learning Center and organising virtual summits with panelists from the industry as the event and exhibition sector is presented with changing needs.