UFI’s Asia-Pacific Week spreads out to reunite the industry F2F

UFI’s Asia-Pacific Week (28 March-1 April) saw a dozen events took place across the region as the exhibition community and wider industry reconnected and reunited. The global association of the exhibition industry’s usual regional conference this year was broadened into a campaign week for the first time, designed to bring back together more easily members and exhibition industry professionals in person. The UFI initiative allowed members as well as the wider community to gather face-to-face despite travel and gathering restrictions. Member-led activities took place across the region, guided by the UFI ambassadors who organised activities in 10 different markets.

In Australia, a panel discussion entitled, ‘The Bumpy Road to Recovery’ was organised by the Exhibition & Event Association of Australasia (EEAA) and the International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney).

In Japan, a networking and social gathering of industry friends and colleagues was organised by the Japan Exhibition Association (JEXA) in Tokyo.

In Macau, an afternoon of bungee jumping was organised by the Macau Fair & Trade Association (MFTA) on 1 April followed by a networking event. In Malaysia, a charity food donation drive was organised by Noor Ahmad Bin Hamid and his team the Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB).

In Myanmar, April is the start of a new year, so Myanmar Exhibition and Conference Association (MECA), invited local industry participants to meet, network and enjoy some traditional food.

In Pakistan, a networking event was hosted by UFI Ambassador, Saleem Khan Tanoli, who is CEO of FAKT Exhibitions. The gathering brought together many key players from the Pakistani exhibition industry in Lahore.

The Philippine MICE Academy organised multiple events including a nature walk, a fun race at a motorcycle exhibition and a gathering at a key exhibition venue in Manila.

In Singapore, there was a waterfront walk around the iconic Marina Bay organised by SACEOS to help celebrate the reopening of the country and removal of most restrictions.

In South Korea, UFI Ambassador Steven Kim organised a meeting of UFI members at COEX’s new studio159 to discuss and celebrate the future of Korea’s exhibition industry.

In Thailand, the industry came out to enthusiastically support UFI Week in Asia-Pacific. There was a golf day, a meeting of the Thai Exhibition Association's (TEA’s) leadership, and a one-day seminar focused on the role of technology at events. There was strong support from both UFI Diamond sponsor, TCEB and TEA.

Mark Cochrane, UFI’s Asia-Pacific regional director, remarked: “In Asia, the pandemic is finally receding, so UFI wanted to bring our members together for a bit of fun and networking. The result was more than a dozen member-led gatherings across the region from Tokyo to Sydney to Singapore… UFI Asia-Pacific Week in Asia was a great success – and all because of the energy and creativeness of our members. Once again, this demonstrates that one of the great strengths of UFI is our global community.”

Kai Hattendorf, UFI’s CEO and managing director added: “Keeping communities engaged and connected through the pandemic has been a challenge, for sure. But as the activities around UFI Asia-Pacific week show, we are coming out of this difficult time – eager to re-connect as colleagues, and now with our customers as shows across the region reopen!”

Photos of the UFI Asia-Pacific Week 2022 can be found here