Ex-Red Bull marketer says all exhibitions can be 'high engagement' brands


TENZING digital marketing and media thought leader Huib van Bockel has told an UFI audience that all brands can be engaging.

Bockel, previously marketing director at Red Bull, launched his own 'healthy' energy drink.

He criticised brands that target customers with data. "It can feel like you're being targeted when a simple search term you use means you get followed by an advertisement online," he said.

"Be social, don't just use social. Stop asking people to love you, and instead ask how you can love more."

Bockel commended sports brand Nike for staying true to its mission, to make people run more.

"Nike understands that content is valuable and that if it creates a television ad, it must be one people want to watch," he added.

On the subject of exhibitions, Bockel said that not all shows have to be on social media if people will talk about them anyway.

He recommended starting with the right question and show goal in mind and consider highlighting what one exhibitor is gaining from the event as an example of this.