UBM TechWeb launches GTEC in Washington

USA - Tech expo organiser UBM TechWeb will take its GTEC brand to Washington in 2011.

Running from 1 to 3 June at the Washington Convention Center, the exhibition and conference will focus on advances in cloud computing, security, data centres, virtualisation, open government and collaboration.

The show’s Washington launch follows its 17-year history in Ottawa, Canada.

UBM TechWeb produces a variety of technology events including Interop, Black Hat, InformationWeek Government and the Gov 2.0 Summit.

“UBM TechWeb is committed to helping government professionals and contractors build a 21st century government,” said GTEC VP and GM, Greg Kerwin. “We’re going deep in several key areas, and look forward to bringing together examples of technology in action from the both private and public sectors.”

UBM TechWeb’s parent company, United Business Media, recently won an unfair competition case in China involving its GDC China gaming exhibition.