McCormick union carpenters settle dispute with organisers

USA - Union carpenters, who spent the weekend picketing Chicago expo centre McCormick Place, have reached an accord with organisers of the International Manufacturing Technology Show.

The carpenters, managing the dismantling of the manufacturing equipment event, are members of the Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters union and were protesting the overhaul of McCormick Place’s procedures for enticing trade show business.

However, both parties reached an agreement on Sunday morning that allowed the deconstruction of the trade show to continue with only minimal delays, according to officials.

Workers returned to dismantle the event on Sunday afternoon, although the union's dispute with the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority remains.

"This doesn't affect the long-term situation," commented the president of the council, Frank Libby. The council has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to block the state law containing the rules overhaul.

Under the law, exhibitors have freedom to do more work on their own booths, while more flexible union rules that cut crew sizes and overtime contravene federal statutes, the suit claims.