Making conferences worth while: Key strategies for maximising value

Vincent Polito (inset), CEO of the Society of Independent Show Organisers (SISO), brings up the ‘C’ word and offers some basic tips for making conferences a successful part of the exhibition package

As I was preparing this article, I returned to a coaching strategy I employed when I was coaching basketball. When things go awry, rather than complicate matters, I went the other way, back to the basics. With that in mind, as we all are about to embark on the very typical last five months of the year, conference deluge, here are some tips.

Conferences offer unique opportunities for professional growth, networking, and industry insight. To make conferences truly worthwhile, both organisers and attendees must adopt strategic approaches. Here are key strategies to ensure that conferences deliver maximum value.

  1. Clear objectives and themes - Organisers should define the conference’s purpose and desired outcomes clearly. A well-defined theme, such as ‘Optimisation’ or ‘Innovation’, provides a cohesive framework for sessions, discussions, and activities. SISO’s August Leadership Conference has ‘Optimisation’ as its focus.

  2. Engaging and relevant content - Organisers must curate a programme that addresses current industry challenges, emerging trends, and practical solutions. Interactive formats such as workshops, panel discussions, and breakout sessions can enhance engagement and facilitate deeper learning.

  3. Networking opportunities - Conferences are prime venues for networking, offering attendees the chance to connect with peers, experts, and potential collaborators. I often have had the highest quality conference experiences in the white spaces of an event.

  4. Personalised experiences - Personalisation can significantly enhance the conference experience. Offering customisable agendas allows attendees to select sessions and activities that align with their interests and professional goals.

  5. Interactive and hands-on learning - Interactive and hands-on learning experiences are more impactful than passive listening. Workshops, case studies, and live demonstrations encourage active participation and practical application of knowledge.

  6. Follow-up and continuous engagement - The value of a conference extends beyond the event itself. Encouraging attendees to stay connected through social media groups or professional networks can foster ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing.

  7. Leveraging technology - Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the conference experience. Utilising conference apps improves attendee engagement. Additionally, data analytics provide valuable insights into attendee preferences and behaviour, informing future event planning.

  8. Evaluating and improving - Continuous improvement is essential. Regularly reviewing and adapting the conference format, content, and logistics based on feedback ensures that the event remains relevant and valuable. Work begins on the next conference when the current one starts, if not sooner!

Always keep the basics top of mind!

This article is taken from EW Issue 4, to get the digital magazine bi-monthly to your inbox, subscribe here: