Global Reporting Initiative releases new SDG reporting tool

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has made it easier for companies to report on how they are meeting the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs).

A new version of GRI’s report ‘Linking the SDGs and the GRI standards’ has been released as a free resource. It gives a breakdown of the targets under each of the 17 SDGs and maps them to the GRI Standards.

There are also a suite of tools on how to integrate the SDGs in reporting, and examples of SDG reorting from around the world.

GRI Head of Policy Thijs Reuten commented: “The GRI Standards enable companies to integrate SDGs reporting within their sustainability report and this revised guidance helps them make these connections in a clear and consistent way. 

“The SDGs address our world’s most pressing sustainability challenges, therefore it is crucial that the contribution of the private sector is both recognized and understood. That is why GRI continues to work with partners and reporting organizations to drive forward the transparency required to support the fulfilment of the SDGs.”

The report can be accessed at this link.