Celebrating Global Exhibitions Day 2024!

Global Exhibitions Day (GED), held annually on the first Wednesday of June, is making its mark in 2024 – the 9th GED on 5 June– with a major tree planting initiative as part of the main campaign theme, Exhibitions are catalysts to sustainable futures.  It is open to everyone interested in increasing the visibility of the exhibitions industry regionally and on a global scale.

This year’s campaign has four main pillars and it’s not too late to get involved. The overarching #GED2024 theme is underpinned by the following four key messages:

  1. Exhibitions drive progress – Exhibitions are platforms to discuss, create and showcase solutions to our universal challenges.
  2. Exhibitions facilitate economic growth – Exhibitions are engines of economic growth, connecting industries and driving job creation.
  3. Exhibitions are a sustainable way to do business – Exhibitions are a sustainable way to drive business and development, gathering communities in one place and managing our environmental impact.
  4. Exhibitions connect people – Exhibitions are community builders, bringing people together face-to-face to connect, collaborate and contribute.

You can visit the global association of the exhibition industry, UFI’s special GED2024 section on its website to get involved, download the #GED2024 Toolkit and add your GED activity to the Global Map. You can also claim your tree in the GED Forest.

The GED 2024 campaign is collaborating this year with Digital Marketing Partner snöball and Sustainability Partner EcoMatcher to plant a “GED Forest” across the Philippines, Madagascar, and Ecuador. With every social share using snö.ball, each participant will receive a tree planted in the GED Forest provided by EcoMatcher.

UFI president, Geoff Dickinson, commented: “For this year’s Global Exhibitions Day, it is important that we recognise the critical role of exhibitions in catalysing our collective sustainable future. This is a call for us to share the GED 2024 message across our communities with policymakers and media, colleagues and customers, family and friends. Let us plant the seed, and watch it snowball to grow our GED Forest around the world.”
