In pictures: Industry out in force for Global Exhibitions Day (part one)

Global Exhibitions Day (#GED16) is kicking off around the globe, with enthusiastic activity by some of the industry's biggest names.

Our gallery reveals just some of the activity so far, including RAI Amsterdam, BITEC and dmg events.

Ufi's Facebook page is also a great source for #GED16 activity.


Ufi recently outline some of the actions planned for #GED16:

Argentina: AOCA invites its members and partners to publish the GED logo on their websites and fan pages.

Australia: The world launch of #GED16 will kick off in Australia, and EEAA will hold its 2016 Leaders Forum on that day. MCEC, in collaboration with EEAA, will host a Global Exhibitions Day Oration on 8 June 2016.

Belgium: FEBELUX will organise a “LiveCom Academy” in Brussels.

IFES plans to use their World Summit on 2-4 June to do a photo campaign for Global Exhibitions Day.

Brazil: UBRAFE engages its members to integrate the promotion of GED in their events and share interviews of employees and customers displaying the highlights of their work in the exhibition industry.

Central Europe: CEFA will arrange specific lobbying actions.

France: UNIMEV will coordinate a “Global Exhibitions Day Run” in Paris.

Germany: AUMA and its Institute of the German Trade Fair industry are inviting professors, students and anybody who is interested in the exhibition and event industry to an open house. In Cologne, the focus will be the International Summer University held on that day and Kölnmesse will release a specific GED statement. Ungerboeck promoted GED through its annual customer event.

Greece: ROTA SA will send a newsletter to all their contacts on 8 June with a video about the Greek exhibition industry.

Hong Kong: HKECIA will organise a GED Conference.

