Chris Kilbee appointed group director of CPhI

WORLD - CPhI, part of UBM Live has appointed Chris Kilbee to the role of group director of the UBM Pharma Portfolio.
He has previously worked across a number of different parts of UBM, most recently running a media and events business based in London, and has already overseen the conception of CPhI Istanbul – launching in 2014.
Kilbee will be responsible for the strategic development and delivery of event brands: CPhI, ICSE, Inno-Pack and P-MEC, held in Europe, China, India, Japan, Russia, Turkey, South America and South-East Asia, and digital solutions including CPhI Online and CPhI Pharma Evolution.

“I am delighted to be taking on this position and overseeing the pharma portfolio at UBM Live,” he said. “It is our vision to widen CPhI’s pharma portfolio across new and diverse geographies and platforms where we see opportunities emerging, delivering new services that help to connect the pharma community.
“This year we will launch CPhI in Istanbul and we want to continue focusing on leading the development of the brand within markets where there are significant opportunities for growth in exports, and/or burgeoning domestic markets with modernising healthcare reimbursement models. This will ensure CPhI helps international pharma executives and manufacturers to develop the new pharma economies globally”.
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