I2i Events debuts RWM in Sao Paulo

AMERICAS - The organiser of RWM Brazil has claimed more than 2,000 visitors attended its first Resource Efficiency and Waste Management Solutions exhibition.
I2i Events Group held the inaugural show on 1-2 October at the Trans American Epxo Center in Sao Paulo. The event was organised in partnership with Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais (ABRELPE).
A total of 290 delegates attended ABRELPE’s International Conference on Solid Waste Management which featured key speakers including representatives from the Ministry of Environment of Brazil and the Sao Paulo State Government.
“With over 45 years’ experience running RWM in the UK, i2i was able to bring its expertise to one of the industry’s most exciting new markets and create an event where buyers and sellers were able to come together, address the key issues, get introduced to new technologies and start to bridge the knowledge gap,” said i2i Events international director Gordon Payne.
RWM Brazil will return to Sao Paulo on 9-10 September 2014 and will run alongside the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) World Congress on Solid Waste and the Global Forum on Solid Waste Management.
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