Event badges will be digital in three years, says ITN chief

AMERICAS - President and CEO of ITN International, Ivan Lazarev, has used an Inside Near Field Communication (NFC) seminar to tell event organisers event badges will be digital within three years.

According to Lazarev, event badges will soon live inside attendees' NFC-enabled smartphones, not only allowing attendees to enter conference sessions, exhibit halls and social events, but enabling them to buy meals and discounted merchandise at the event and even to travel around the host city and purchase tickets to local attractions.

Attendees will also be able to use their smartphones to exchange their 'digital badges' with exhibitors, sponsors and fellow attendees.

"The world of NFC is truly going to transform the experience of events," said Lazarev, speaking on 6 June. "It is also a cost-saver and will make a big difference at events. It will allow people to interact more effectively and obtain better information."

For purposes of visual identification, each attendee will wear a paper badge printed at a kiosk when the they arrive onsite, added Lazarev.

Badge-printing kiosks will be permanently installed throughout venues with no charge to organisers, and NFC readers, also permanently installed, will allow attendees to use their smartphone-resident digital badges to enter access-controlled areas, such as session rooms and exhibit halls, as well as to complete purchases.

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