One third of IAEE members to launch events this year

AMERICAS – A new survey from the International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) has revealed that despite economic fears topping the list of organisers’ issues, a third of members will launch shows this year.
The association’s public events council released its public events industry 2011 survey report alongside a report titled How the Public Event/Consumer Show Engages with the Younger Generations/Professionals.
The survey, which was first conducted in 2009, details individual and comparative statistics from its predominantly American membership.
Key findings from the report include:
·      Sixty-six per cent of respondents have an optimistic/very optimistic attitude toward 2012
·      Thirty-two per cent plan to launch new events in 2012
·      Thirty-six per cent expect better sponsorship revenue in 2012; fifty-seven per cent expect nearly the same and eleven per cent expect worse results
·      The economy was identified as the top issue facing the industry today. In 2009 the economy was also the top issue, but in 2010, more event-related issues were identified above the economy
·      Sixty-eight per cent of public event organiser respondents take younger attendees/professionals into consideration when developing education programming at events
"With three years of survey data now available, the public events industry is showing some optimistic signs with growth in exhibit space sales and steady revenue and attendance figures," said IAEE president Steven Hacker.
However, Hacker underscored the fact that despite the increased optimism, ongoing austerity measures and financial uncertainty has a strong bearing on industry growth. "The economy continues to be a major factor impacting many sectors of the public events industry," he said.
Findings in a recent IAEE white paper claimed exhibition visitors don’t understand complex issues of providing seamless Wi-Fi at venues, while facilities want more assistance from show managers to eliminate rogue access points and interference.
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