Few languages spoken at international events

WORLD - Despite a more global events industry, the average number of languages spoken at events remains relatively low according to a new survey.

Simultaneous interpretation (si) company, Congress Rental Networks (CRN), found 43.8 per cent of survey respondents had reported only two languages were being spoken at events, with 37.5 per cent reporting three languages. A further 12.5 per cent of respondents reported four languages and 6.5 per cent reported five languages.

“Delegates are today travelling to conferences from all over the world, and that would tend to imply a greater need to provide si services in order to cater for different language needs,” says Panagiotis Podimatas from PC Podimatas in Greece and chair of the CRN. “The survey, however, shows that very few languages are in fact being spoken.

“Only time will tell whether this trend will continue and it is possible that the demand for language interpretation services may well increase as and when the economy bounces back,” he says.