Polish association warns of expo fakers

POLAND - The Polish Chamber of the Exhibition Industry (PCEI) has posted a warning against companies allegedly trying to scam money out of exhibition organisers worldwide.

According to Marzenna Lukaszewicz, executive director of the PCEI, companies including FairGuide and ExpoGuide deceive exhibitors and organisers into signing expensive contracts under unclear terms.

Lukaszewicz says a form sent to organisers by these companies claims it will update a pre-existing free entry in a catalogue of organisers and fairs. However, the confusing fine-print says that by signing and returning the form and failing to cancel by registered mail within 10 days, the sender agrees to pay more than €1,000 (US$1,400) per year for three consecutive years.

“As far as we know, the activities of ExpoGuide have reached quite sizeable proportions not only in the European market including Poland, but also in the United States and Asia.”

“Unfortunately, numerous exhibitors and organisers reached by such companies as FairGuide don’t read such application forms thoroughly and are unaware of the financial consequences which result from returning the signed form,” she says.