Expotel Lone Traveller initiative replaces female-centric approach

WORLD - International booking agency Expotel has launched a Lone Traveller initiative, which it says will replace its “outdated” 'Women Aware’ approach.

The new, non-gender-specific programme is intended to highlight hotels’ contribution to the personal safety and comfort of all of their solo guests, according to Expotel CEO Ian Burnley.

“In an ever more confrontational world, the vulnerability of the lone traveller is certainly no longer determined by gender,” says Burnley. “It is now not unusual for gentleman VIPs, whose travel is arranged by Expotel to request a low-key ‘no-profile’ welcome, the opposite of the traditional desire for recognition.”

Burnley adds there is growing pressure for organisations to acknowledge and fulfill their duty of care to travelling employees, by providing appropriate accommodation.

Expotel will also launch a ‘Lone Traveller’ award to help distinguish the most proactive hotels.

Issues for concern for lone travellers include well-lit public areas and parking, bedroom spy-holes and staff discretion at reception. Hotels wanting to be included in the Lone Traveller programme will have to prove a preferred relationship with a taxi company, be able to lend mobile phone chargers and provide information about any local ‘no-go’ areas.