Maastricht to host first tradefair on social distancing themes

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/09/2020 - 12:12

On 26-27 August 2020, the first one-and-a half-metre social distance tradefair in the Netherlands will take place in MECC Maastricht. The ‘Anderhalve meter Expo’ is a Dutch national tradefair launch designed to cater for all types of solutions pertaining to the one-and-a-half-metre society.

Organisers are keen to demonstrate that a tradefair can be realised in conditions of the one-and-a half-metre society.

As from 1 July, the government of the Netherlands permitted business events to be held with no restrictions on the number of people, provided necessary Covid-19 precautions were taken and protocols followed.

Now organisers of this first expo post-Covid-19 in MECC, Buro 10 and Brandt + Fernhout, are seizing the opportunity to put on a show that, they say, will advance the events industry in the Netherlands.

The project is not-for-profit, with the common goal being to share cross-sector solutions and to help Dutch entrepreneurs continue their business in a new era.

The Anderhalve meter Expo will see exhibitors from various branches of industry and the economy show their creative social distancing solutions. Visitors, organisers anticipate, will be made up of entrepreneurs and decision-makers from local and regional authorities, recreation, events, catering, retail and facilities departments. A wide range of solutions will be presented that can be applied within their own business operations.

In addition, there will be content and guest speakers to discuss current topics, ideas and innovations.