Is your website event ready?

Submitted by EW on Tue, 11/17/2020 - 09:23

Across the globe, the event industry is in limbo. But no matter if your show is on, off or pending, here are seven ways you can make your website a money generating, community engagement machine.

From demo libraries to webinars through to attendee matchmaking, Jon Benjamin from event website specialists ASP reveals his top seven tips on how to engage and build your event community while generating revenue for your business and exhibitors alike.

Be on the ball

Your event website is the window into your event. That’s why it is vital to have regular SEO littered content, be it industry news, interviews or features to keep your audience engaged in your show. Organisers who don’t keep their platform up to date risk losing their visitors, exhibitors and sponsors to a competing show.

Compose compelling content

Be it up-to-date news or interesting features and stories, engaging content will make you a trusted voice in your industry. What’s more, a busy website gives sponsors and exhibitors more airtime which gives you some nice revenue opportunities.

Convert pre-reg into footfall

With on the pulse content, your audience will be encouraged to sign up to news alerts and, better still, newsletters that can keep them engaged while giving you a promotional money-making vehicle through advertising. This data from the sign ups and a more in touch audience will give you a far greater chance of converting pre-reg into footfall.

Play cupid

We’re not asking you to turn your business into Tinder or Hinge... but we do recommend you use your platform’s matchmaking tools to help your community link up with other attendees, exhibitors and sponsors who are signed up to attend your event.

Hit record

I know we are in danger of trying to teach granny to suck eggs, but digital content is key to maintaining and growing event communities both on the showfloor and online. Host webinars and vlogs on your event website and invite speakers, sponsors and exhibitors to take part. The net result? An engaged audience, happy sponsors and even additional money to that bottom line.

Create limelight

Want to give exhibitors a chance to promote to your audience pre and post show? Then launch a product demo library. Here, exhibitors and sponsors could link to videos demonstrating their products and even sell through your website. The organiser can then market this to visitors - a semi-virtual show if you like, until the real show takes place.

Money marketing online

This would be a nice thing to check off on a checklist wouldn’t it - but how? Sell in online marketing to your sponsors and exhibitors by using website tools like ASP’s exhibitor zone. You could become a lead generating machine for clients happy to pay for the privilege.