G3 partners release new position paper on ‘Fast Track’ industry recovery

Submitted by Oliver Thomas on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 10:25

In support of the global return of business events, the G3 Partners – International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC), the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), and the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) – have launched a new policy White Paper: Business Events are the Fast Track to Recovery.

The report supports advocacy efforts of the business events industry by highlighting the value and importance of the business events industry and gives examples of what governments and policymakers around the world are doing to support the return of events.

The global industry associations AIPC, ICCA and UFI hope that their paper will support the efforts of members, customers and the wider business industry as meeting places and marketplaces re-open.

Sven Bossu, CEO of AIPC, said: "The bridges built over the last two years have allowed to create a joint vision on organised events. This vision now needs to be nurtured and further developed, allowing all stakeholders in the organised events industry – including regulators and authorities – to boost collaboration, innovation and trade. This new paper is the next step in doing so".

Senthil Gopinath, CEO of ICCA, commented: “The business events industry is in need of a guiding strategy to showcase the importance and economic impact of our industry and the position paper demonstrates the reality.”

Kai Hattendorf, managing director and CEO of UFI, added: “We have seen the speed of reopening gathering pace, and this is very encouraging.  However, even when we are fully open once again, we still have some work to do. We need to ensure that government and policymakers do understand and appreciate the value we being to their economies, which is not the case everywhere so far.”

To download the paper, click here.