Baden-Württemberg to open its venues for larger tradefairs from 1 September

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 09:51

Following decisions by most German states to reopen exhibitions and business events, the regional government of Baden-Württemberg has published its intention to reopen for large tradefair business, from 1 September.

The decision will allow the Messes in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Friedrichshafen among other areas to organise and host tradeshows with more than 500 participants. The decision is contingent on the premise that the infection situation will have relaxed further and that the tradefairs are run in compliance with appropriate hygiene requirements.
Full regulations are still being prepared, but a draft outline plan is available here.

The State Minister of Economy Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut has worked hard to bring back exhibitions in the Lander and told an audience in Stuttgart: “The tradefair industry is suffering severely from the corona-related restrictions. In view of the decline in the number of infections, it is imperative to give the tradefair industry a clear opening perspective for the important autumn business.”

"The current low infection numbers enable us to promise further easing. However, one thing is clear: distance and hygiene rules must be strictly observed so that tradefairs and large gatherings do not become infection drivers, but economic success. Wherever many people come together, extreme caution is required. This is the only way to turn the currently low infection numbers into a permanent trend, even with further loosening,” said Health Minister Manne Lucha.

“Our tradefair locations already enable a high degree of controllability,” Hoffmeister-Kraut added, noting also that not all visitors would be at the fair at the same time, but spread their visits over several days.

No exhibitions or congresses have been held in Baden-Württemberg since mid-March 2020. The state government had already decided that smaller tradefairs and congresses with up to 500 participants could take place from 1 August. “That was a first, important signal. But without the further easing even for larger events, not only would there have been irreparable damage to the tradefair industry in Baden-Württemberg, but also an aggravated recovery of the state's economy as a whole, which relies on the trade fairs as showcases for their products,” the minister underlined. "I am therefore very happy that the number of infections allows us to take this important step today.”